A Popular Medication That Could Be Causing Your Muscle Aches
For some people a group of medications called Statins can be lifesaving; they can lower cholesterol and are especially important for people

A Very Common Cause of Hip Pain
Have you ever fallen on your hip and had tender pain along the outside of your hip joint. If so you might have had something called ‘trocha

A Simple Treatment For 3 Causes of Nerve Pain That Radiate To the Hand
Many nerves in the arm can get compressed and cause pain to be felt in the hand. Fortunately, these problems can often times be adequately t

5 Common Mistakes That Will Give You Pain
If you tend to do any of these 5 things regularly then you could be putting yourself at risk for unnecessary sources of pain. These are acti

How a Steroid Injection Can Help Fight the Most Common Cause of Pain
In pain management, steroid injections are a very common tool for treating pain. From muscle strains, to ligament sprains, and even pinched

A Troubling Fact That Every Pre-Diabetic Should Know
So you are a pre-diabetic and are probably thinking to yourself “things could be worse, at least I am not a diabetic, after all, it is diabe

Your ‘Sharp, Shooting, Electrical’ Pain Might Not Be a Pinched Nerve Afterall
But did you know that there are many causes of pain that can mimic a pinched nerve? That’s right, not all pain that feels like a pinched ner

Foods That Can Damage Your Nerves
Organophosphate-induced delayed polyneuropathy is a condition that primarily affects the nerves that control a person’s muscles (motor nerve

Your Degenerative Disc Disease Is Not What You Think It Is
Many of these people feel discouraged because, as the name implies, they are ‘degenerating’. Well, I am here to set the record straight and